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56 Brilliant Social Media Content Ideas That Increase Engagement

56 Brilliant Social Media Content Ideas That Increase Engagement

Coming up with fresh social media content ideas for your daily social media posting is not an easy task, especially if you are starting out your online business. And you cant ignore this because if you are not already fishing for customers through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and the like then you are doing your brand a great injustice. 

Social media marketing can bring you success, create lasting relationships, and generate leads.

However, you must do it right to remain competitive.

Kindly note this post may contain affiliate links and I may earn a commission if you click any of them and proceed to make a purchase.  This will be at no cost to you.

It was not easy for me until I researched and compiled these social media content ideas, back then as an online marketing assistant for an e-Learning organization and a student at Freelance University.

These social media content ideas helped me keep on toes with the organization’s social media posting. Even today, they are very helpful especially when I feel particularly uninspired. I keep updating this blog post regularly to align the ideas with the changing trends of social media.

Related Article: How I got My first Client Within Months of Learning

Before you continue, if you haven’t downloaded my 56 Brilliant Social Media Content Ideas Cheatsheet, do it in the form below. The Cheatsheet will make your work easier as you go through this blog post. 

Let’s get started.


Showcase Your Expertise

1. Share a fact in your industry

Keep your audience in the know about interesting facts in your industry.

For instance, how much revenue does your industry contribute to the economy?

How does technology impact the industry?

How much has your industry grown in the last five years?

2. Share an informative infographic

The human brain is wired to evade complex data especially that involving calculation.

To better explain large chunks of data, you will need to represent it in information graphics.

Better known as infographics, these tools are so powerful in presenting data, knowledge, or information visually.

However, infographics are intensive and thorough research must be conducted for them to be meaningful.

3. Share time-saving tips

Since we cannot manipulate time, the last thing we should do is to waste it.

The interesting part is that people love hacks showing them how to save this precious commodity.

Sharing tips that show your audience how they can be more effective will keep them engaged.

For instance, if you run a travel blog, show the fastest routes to reach destinations.

4. Share money-saving tips

Every serious person understands the need to save money, but it is not always possible to implement.

Sharing tips on possible ways to save money in your niche can tremendously increase flow to your social media content.

For instance, if you deal with real estate, share tips on timing as well as the best loans to acquire.

5. Solve a common problem

This is one of the best social media content ideas. Social media has proved effective for marketing and can equally be used to solve common problems.

For instance, most people trust online ratings as much as they trust personal referrals.

If what is being said on these ratings is not a true reflection of your brand, clear the air through social media.


Ask Questions

6. Either this or that engaging questions

Stick to the right questions and they will fetch you replies, shares, and likes.

This or that questions are even fun and a good way to engage clients.

You can start the game on anything as long as it resonates with your industry. Examples include; Coke or Pepsi? Television or books? Makeup or none?

7. Simple engaging questions

Asking simple questions is a sure way to start conversations, make everyone feel involved, and boost the sense of togetherness.

People like sharing their experiences and simple questions help open them up.

8. Yes or No questions

Yes or no questions may not be the best for opening up conversations but are great when taking polls.

Will you be attending? Are you in favor of red meat? Such social media content ideas as these questions leave out the ambiguity created by open-ended questions

9. Photo engaging questions

Questions spark conversations, and appending them to a photo just makes it better.

Photo engaging questions work best when dealing with controversial topics or opinions.

For instance, a photo of a gun may be captioned; Do you think the public should be allowed to bear and carry guns?

If your brand is around health products, a photo of a syringe with a debate around the controversy of vaccines would be great.

10. Business engaging questions

What problems does your brand solve?

How much time should you and your staff dedicate to generating revenue?

Which social media marketing strategy works best?

Engaging your audience on such questions helps both parties understand key factors for your brand.

11. Survey questions

Understanding how customers and prospects view your brand is the best way to initiate improvements.

Get feedback by asking questions such as the main reasons for not buying a product, how satisfied they are, or areas they would like improved.

Always keep surveys simple and brief.

12. Educational questions

Keep ignorance at bay by occasionally throwing educational questions to your audience.

Educational questions are a key component to learning about a given product and clearing the air about uncertainties.

13. Fill in the blank questions

Remember the junior school days you were required to fill blank questions?

Engaging your audience in a similar way motivates them to learn more about your brand.

You can further create interest by asking questions with real-world connections.

14. Trivia questions

Trivia questions are to the brain just as lifting weights is to the muscles.

People love trivia questions particularly because they enhance memory.

Additionally, these questions have been found to improve cognition and reduce pressure.

Ask for the capital city of a small country, the difference between routers and modems or anything in between and your following is bound to balloon.

15. Would you rather…

You could tremendously increase your engagement by asking subscribers “Would you rather…” questions.

For instance, ‘would you rather lose the ability to speak or the ability to read?’ opens up a conversation about introverts and extroverts.

16. If you could…

If you could… questions turn out to be fun since you never know what the response could be.

The question “If you could switch two movie actors, which switch would be most mismatched?” can generate all sorts of answers which turn out to be fun.

Related blog post: 60 Highly Engaging Social Media Questions that Spark Conversation 

Share What’s Trending


17. Religious/global holidays

Delivering content to the right person at the right time is a major challenge to us, the social media marketers.

However, religious and global holidays offer the best opportunities for one to be timely.

People also tend to be happier during holidays, a good reason you should post during the period.

With a social media marketing calendar and the right tools, you can create compelling posts for these golden opportunities.

I love and would recommend you check out Angie Gensler’s social media calendar.

18. National day in your industry

Holidays are fun, but some National Days are simply crazy.

Take for instance the Buy Nothing Day, National Take a Hike Day or the National Spicy Hermit Cookie Day.

Add fun to national days in your industry by posting engaging content.

19. Trending topic/news

Is there a topic most people are talking about in a given social media platform?

Do not be left behind, share your thoughts about it. This is one of the best viral social media content ideas.

Using the right hashtags in twitter (or any other platform) will generate more traffic, more likes, and create more conversion.

20. A viral video clip in your industry

With about 300 hours of video uploaded to Youtube every minute, only enticing clips manage to go viral.

Once you share viral video clips in your industry, social media will do the rest of the job for you.

Focus only on videos related to your field to increase conversion rates.

If well chosen, viral videos are a great opportunity to reach the target audience without much input from your side.

Share Your Favorites


21. Share your favorite book

No matter your industry, you have come across several books that moved you.

Share a link to the resource so your learners can benefit from it too.

Include some lessons you learned to inspire the target audience.

22. Share the tool or software you like most

What is that software or tool you cannot live without?

Share the same with your audience.

This not only encourages knowledge sharing but elevates your personality.

Check if you can earn any affiliate benefits by sharing the tool.

23. Share your favorite coffee or drink

In as much as your audience loves your technical tips and secrets, they like knowing what kind of person you are.

A “behind the scenes” post of your favorite coffee or drink breaks the norm and promotes socialization.

24. Share your favorite hobby

An effective way of social media marketing is reaching out to people with shared interests.

Although you may not know a person physically, hobbies can bind you in interesting ways.

Whether you like socializing, photography, or any other hobby, share it and you may be amazed at how many relationships it builds.

Share Photos and Videos

25. Before and After Photos 

You have seen before and after photos on social media.

They are everywhere; for beauty products, home cleaning products, body fitness promotions and much more.

No matter the industry, these photos are so powerful because they show that your product delivers results.

Ensure your photos create a connection to the audience, that what worked for you can work for them too.

26. Interesting memes 

People love interesting memes.

Besides, they are easy to make and cost nothing.

Create memes that develop the image of your brand in a funny way.

Make memes easy to interpret to attract followers and encourage sharing.

You may as well alter well-known memes to suit your product.

27. Short video clips

If you have been keen on promotional videos on social media, they are becoming shorter and shorter.

That’s because short videos are more explosive than long clips.

In the words of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, video clips have become a megatrend.

Content is king and if you do it right, your video clips will trend on social media. Check out my free Facebook Content Planner below and start planning your Content.

Focus on persuasive content such as product action shots and highlights from live events to meet the time limit on most video advertising platforms.

28. Photos and videos of behind the scenes

Most companies have turned behind the scenes content to be the default, low-effort promotional means that often adds no value to the brand image.

However, you can effectively use behind the scenes photos and videos to offer a glimpse into the people and values that drive your organization.

Focus on team-building content to let prospects know your team works in unity. Funny personal content is equally encouraged as it shows you are relatable.

29. Tutorial Video Clips

Video content marketing has revolutionized marketing for numerous successful brands.

To get noticed, though, you need to create content that is engaging, informing, and refreshing.

In your niche, create high-quality, informative tutorial video clips.

30. Images

The adage that “A picture is worth a thousand words” is as relevant today as it was when it was coined.

With too much content to be processed, pictures are preferable as they convey their meaning faster.

Post great images that grab the attention of prospects quickly.

The best images evoke an atmosphere, convey emotion, and communicate opinions.

If you do not create the images yourself, find free stock images or buy high-quality images. Angie’s social media images are customized for social media and are very engaging. 

31. How-to short video clips

A good deal of Youtube’s videos is instructional, guiding viewers on how to create results.

Identify different features of your products and explain how viewers can use them to solve their problems.

32. Create live videos

Studies show that about 80% of internet users would rather watch a live video than read a post from the same blog.

Videos are preferred as they drive more traffic and are more engaging.

Conversion rates have also been found to be higher in live videos than in pre-recorded videos.

Take advantage of live-centered platforms such as Youtube-live, Facebook-live, Instagram-live, and Periscope.

33. Conduct a live interview

How is your product perceived in the outside world?

The best way to know is to ask people who interact with it, such as customers, prospects, influencers, or even your staff.

Use a talented interviewer to probe in depth information as opposed to the use of questionnaires.

Sharing the results online strengthens the transparency of your brand.

Open Up to Your Followers – This is One of the Social Media Content Ideas that Create Trust Between You and Your Customers


34. Share the progress of a workout you are undertaking

While most people may shy off sharing projects they are undertaking, sharing boosts relationships on social media.

Most importantly, you are more likely to accomplish your goals when you share the progress of a workout you are undertaking.

For instance, share on a weekly basis the weight you have lost in your fitness program.

35. Share a glimpse into your family life

It’s true you are on social media to sell your product or service.

However, do not forget you are a person behind your brand and customers are waiting to hear from you.

Before you bombard people with your product, first connect with them by sharing some bits of your family life.

Where do you go shopping?

What pets do you keep?

How do you spend family time?

36. Share fascinating things about your city

Each city has fascinating stories to tell about.

How welcoming are its residents to visitors?

What are its unique offers in food and recreational centers?

What are the business opportunities to check on?

37. Share a topic in a book you’re reading

Have you been touched by a chapter in the book you are reading?

Why not share the same on social media to inspire others?

Who knows, you might even earn loyalty points from the referrals.

38. Share a quote that keeps you moving

People like quotes because they can relate to them.

That quote you find significant in your everyday life can work the same to another person.

Interestingly, quotes never get old, so post occasionally.

39. Share a milestone in your life

We all reach important milestones from time to time.

Could be turning 21, 30, getting married, being recognized at work or any other inspiring achievement.

Sharing milestones with your audience adds some inspiration and keeps the glow for some period.

When you write about your milestones, you are also ensuring your stories will be remembered correctly.

40. Share what inspires you

Staying in the game can be daunting especially when you have to post several times in a day.

However, sharing what inspires you can inspire your audience too while keeping you in the game.

In fact, your insights are meaningful as your word holds credibility to the eyes of your audience.

You do not have to share all your secrets but a handful of achievements are okay.

41. Share your personal/business story

A good way to build relationships with your audience is to share an experience you had personally or in your business.

For instance, share a difficult situation you experienced and how you overcame it.

Fun moments that changed your ideas are also true game changers.

Build Business Relationships


42. Appreciate your customers (case study)

In social media, you know how rewarding it is to get positive responses from customers.

But have you imagined how positive customers feel when you appreciate them?

Build business relations by sharing customer stuff in return. Mention them in a comment.

Keep an eye on their events and celebrate with them.

43. Express gratitude to your followers

You might have seen thank you notes in your feeds.

“Thanks for hitting 1000 followers.”

“Thank you for two years of success.”

“Thank you for being part of the journey.”

Occasionally, you will need to express such gratitude to your followers.

This shows you do not take their commitment for granted.

It not only boosts your personality, but it also promotes your relationship.

44. Share tag-a-friend post

Tag-a-friend posts are an easy way to get your content noticed.

While you cannot request for tags in every post you create, doing so occasionally can generate traffic to posts that are otherwise not so engaging.

Take advantage of how easy it is to tag someone to improve traffic.

45. Share a photo taken with fans, employees, partners or customers

Social media is a beehive of activities, but a nice photo improves your chances of being noticed.

Most importantly, a photo taken with fans, employees, partners, or customers goes a long way.

Because our brains are wired to notice images more than text, fan images are almost irresistible.

Only remember to tag as many fans and friends as possible.

46. Mention an influencer

With so many brands competing for audience attention, it is imperative to get your game a notch higher.

This is where influencers come into play. Influencers are people with higher knowledge on a product and are in a position to influence a buying decision.

Identify and engage with influencers in your niche to improve conversion rates.

47. Respond to your followers

Responding to customers shows concern and reduces customer service questions down the line.

Provide answers to customer questions right away if you have them or request for time to do more research.

A satisfied follower can be a big boost to your brand, while an unsatisfied one can pull you down.

48. Share a community event you are looking forward to

If your business conducts community events, you can utilize social media to promote the same.

For instance, you can use Facebook Ads to show the events to viewers who visited your website but left without making a purchase.

Alternatively, create and share a video that captures the fun and excitement of your event.

49. Share a #TBT (Throwback Thursday)

You have probably shared a TBT before in your social media pages.

Maybe it was a funny photo from your high school album, a vacation or even an event you attended.

Doing the same for your brand presents an opportunity to tell stories, increase awareness, build engagement, and add fun to your posts.

Do not limit yourself to photos, though, you can post memories in videos, audio recordings, or text.

50. Share something seasonal

Evergreen content is a common term used in marketing to mean content that is relevant at all times.

However, creating graphics or articles based on time-sensitive seasons can equally earn new customers.

Big retail stores capitalize on seasonal marketing with offers such as “Black Friday”, “Holiday Savings” or “Fall Sales”.

Focus on seasonal content in your niche to recapture customer attention.

51. Share attention-grabbing statistics

Statistics are the backbone of affairs in contemporary marketing campaigns.

Be it market development, product development, or understanding the customer standpoint, we apply statistics in our campaigns.

Keeping your audience posted on relevant statistics in your field helps them stay informed.

For instance, if Apple is the most relevant brand highlight what percentage of the market it commands.

52. Share an event you attended

If you attended an event recently, writing a post about it is a great way to share what you learned.

Your post could be in pictures, text, video, or audio depending on the audience you are trying to reach.

Get photos of the main speakers, probably with you in them.

Capture the event venue, evening socials, and inspiring selfies.

You might as well include the key themes of the event.

53. Share your BIG WHY – This is One of the Social Media Content Ideas that Inspire and Create Trust Between You and Your Customers

Why do you strive to achieve certain dreams?

Do you seek to grow for the better?

Your Big WHY is the purpose or believes that compel you to act.

You can easily find your Big WHY in your ambitions for your family, the things you enjoy doing in life or the mission you believe you should accomplish on earth.

Sharing such with your audience boosts your relationship with them.

54. Cross-promote your products and services

Cross promotion refers to the technique of using separate channels to promote your products and services.

Take for example the partnership between Google’s Android and KitKat.

Millions of KitKat chocolates were branded with Android, and buyers stood the chance to win Android products. With social marketing, you can use third-party apps as PageModo to add tabs to your social media page.

These tabs will allow people visiting your page to access your other social media platforms.

Share Inspirational Quotes


55. Share business motivational quotes

“Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.”

“If you are not willing to risk the usual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.”

Who does not like being reminded of such business insights?

Break monotony in your posts by sharing business quotes relevant to your niche from time to time.

56. Share inspirational quotes for personal development

Inspirational quotes ignite rays of hope especially when we are depressed or in difficult situations.

With the right quote, a person can see light at the end of a tunnel or be encouraged to persevere.

Demonstrate concern for personal development by sharing inspirational quotes every other time.

Do you have other social media content ideas that you use for your social media?

Let’s chat below, I would love to hear from you!


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